Dr. Renee MacPhee


Renée S. MacPhee, PhD

Dr. Renée MacPhee has been an integral member in the Canadian paramedic community for 25 years, devoting her time helping as a researcher and educator. She is a tireless advocate dedicated to improving their physical and mental health and well-being. MacPhee is the co-inventor of the Ottawa Paramedic Physical Abilities Test (OPPAT) – an evidence-based test designed to assess the physical readiness of paramedics entering, or returning to, the profession. In 2017, she became a Founding Member and Paramedic Sector Lead at the Canadian Institute for Public Safety Research & Treatment (CIPRST). In 2018 her commitment to the health of paramedics across Canada earned her the Paramedic Chiefs of Canada Presidential Award of Excellence, marking the first time that the award has been bestowed upon a civilian. In 2022, she joined the Mental Health Collaborative for Public Safety Personnel with the Ontario Solicitor General’s Office. She co-authored the seed document for the CSA Paramedic Psychological Health and Wellness Standard. In 2022, she was presented with the Laurier University Award for Community Service and Engagement in recognition of her efforts supporting Canadian paramedics. Her determination to identify and implement solutions that address the needs of the paramedic community has earned her the respect and cooperation of paramedic leadership, frontline, and labor groups. Her publication record includes peer- reviewed journals, technical reports, book chapters, and more than 90 presentations. It is her long-held belief that successful research in the field of paramedicine is the result of work that is done by paramedics, with paramedics, for paramedics.

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by Dr. Renee MacPhee

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